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Naperville IL Fence Options

You didn’t need the vote from Money magazine to tell you that Naperville is an amazing place to live. As you continue to enhance your home here, SP Fence is available with a wide range of Naperville IL Fence Options.

Wood Fencing

Cedartone Treated Wood:
Cedartone treatment involves the application of a special preservative that helps protect the wood against decay, insects, and the elements. The treatment extends the life of the fence, ensuring it remains sturdy and beautiful for years. Our suppliers extend to you a lifetime warranty against rotting and insect damage. Also, cedartone picket is ¾” thick which provides excellent durability all year around. One of the key advantages of Cedartone treated wood is its low maintenance requirements. Cedartone treated wood is often a cost-effective choice, while cedar may have a slightly higher upfront cost.

SP Fence co installs cedar horizontal fences which are contemporary and visually striking choices for outdoor spaces. Cedar, renowned for its rich tones and distinct grain patterns, brings an innate warmth and elegance to your outdoor space.
The horizontal orientation of the cedar planks imparts a sense of modernity and sophistication, creating clean, sleek lines that contribute to the fence's overall aesthetic appeal. Welcome to the modern allure of a horizontal cedar fence — a harmonious blend of natural beauty and contemporary design. We install variety of styles customizing your cedar horizontal fence for a visual delight.

PVC Fencing

If you would like to keep up the traditional appearance of a wooden fence without worrying about maintenance, consider the option of a vinyl fence.
PVC is resistant to weathering, rot, and decay. Unlike wood, PVC does not warp, crack, or split when exposed to the elements. This resistance makes PVC fences an excellent choice for various climates. SP Fence only installs professional grade PVC fences that come in variety of colors, and the color is integrated into the material during manufacturing. This means there is no need for painting or staining to maintain the fence's appearance. The color remains vibrant and does not fade over time.
PVC fences are easy to clean with simple household tools. In most cases, all that's needed is a hose to wash away dirt and debris. Stubborn stains can often be removed with mild soap and water, making routine maintenance quick and hassle-free.

Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum fences are coated with a powder coating finish. This finish not only enhances the fence's appearance but also provides an additional layer of protection against the elements, preventing scratches, fading, and corrosion.
One of the most significant advantages of aluminum is its natural resistance to corrosion. Unlike iron or steel, aluminum does not rust, making it an ideal choice for outdoor applications.
SP fence co provides a lifetime warranty for aluminum fence material which gives you confidence in the durability of your aluminum fence. We work with only American Made companies like Ameristar, Elite and Antebellum fence.

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